Dynamics of Trust
In dance as in life: Staying connected in harmonious moments is easy, in challenging moments (awkward moments) it becomes more difficult. How does it feel to embody trust in a way that allows you to listen to the many possibilities of movement and flow with the currents of life?
In this weekend workshop, we will playfully explore how “inner states of being” affect our movement, perception and body communication. We will experiment with how different states can help us to communicate through our body weight in order to dance with our partner in the greatest possible flow, responsive, awake and available.
What you will learn:
o how to anchor states/qualities of trust/release in your body/without losing body tension and find easy access to the creative potential of your own movement
o From sensory perception into the flow state
o The anatomy of trust
o Between leading and following
o Dancing duet & trio
Level: open Level/Beginner/Introduction
15.MÄRZ/16.MÄRZ SAT, 10am-15pm SUN, 11am-5pm
Antaratma YOGA SHALA Andreas Hoferstr.13, 6020 INNSBRUCK
210.-/190.-/170.- (support/normal/bring a friend)
REGISTRATION: hi@movingintopresence.at
FOTOCREDIT: Vladimir Bogovcic