
Help us share the dance

The CI Global Calendar has been developed initially on a volunteer base. Many volunteers have dedicated uncountable hours of work to research and develop the CI Global Calendar.
Entirely volunteer-run, the Calendar is aimed to be a totally free service for its users of the global CI community and to operate on a gift economy basis.

We need you!

A little bit of money can go a long way and help us to cover the inevitable operational costs of the project. Those are servers, data storage, paying for the site domain, some small administration and paperwork tasks like stamps, print outs, etc. and refunding some original costs that were associated with the realisation of the project such as website programming and design.

If you can and want to help us financially, just donate through PayPal.

CI Global Calendar - Fundraising campaign 2019
Backed 603 €
Goal 2000 €
30.15% Complete (success)
Time left: 50 Days
The datas are not updated in real time.


As per a gift economy, donations of gifts are very welcome as well and will go into a shared "gift box" that we will tap into when offering a reward to our volunteers for their work. Those gifts can be a free entrance to your event, to a workshop, a reduction on the entrance fee to your festival, dance products or clothing that you make, etc.
If you want to discuss this with us via email, you are most welcome to get in touch with the project manager.

Already have an idea of something you can give as a gift? Please let us know more details and your contact information by filling in this form.

For more details or if you want to offer your help as a volunteer yourself, please check out our "Get Involved" page.

Some numbers about the project

Hours spent for web design and development

Hours of project management

Hours spent by the Steering Committee since 2008

Languages the website is translated in

If you want to donate please contact the administrator.