Terms of use


This document describes the different rights and rules to be implemented in the CI Global Calendar (CIGC). The goal of this framework is to make the Calendar available for the global CI community and protect the data pool from misuse and spam.

Guidelines for content

All data entered into the CIGC data pool must be directly related to the dance form Contact Improvisation. For instance, all events entered into the calendar must include Contact Improvisation.
F.e. Contango, CI and Feldenkrais, or CI and Improvisation is also fine, but not Tango alone!

Basic Rule Set

  1. Accessibility

    Any person can add events into the CI Global Calendar, this is free of charge. To do this, you need to create an account for yourself, providing some information about you to be authorised. This information is requested to avoid spam.

    The service is offered for free to the global Contact community but requires constant professional work to be realized, updated, and maintained. On the homepage you can find a Donate button to support this Calendar.

    Although one needs to be a registered user to post an event, the Calendar is freely accessible to be viewed and searched by anyone.

  2. Data quality
    Only data that matches the guidelines for data content of the CIGC shall be uploaded. People uploading data into this data pool label their data (for example, while uploading an event, by choosing the correct Type or Venue, etc.). Misuse of the upload function (foreign content, wrong category) can result in deletion of the uploaded data by the administrator of the Calendar and, after several or severe misuses, a ban from further uploads. In conflicts there is a steering team who can help in the handling of the conflict.

  3. Linking/Embedding the Global Calendar in your website
    Websites focusing on CI are welcome to link to the Global CI Calendar for free. Teachers or Communities can create their own link by searching for the specific teacher or city inside the global Calendar and then using that URL as a link to get direct access to the posts of the teacher or city or country first.

  4. Ownership of the data
    The user who inserts an event has the ownership and responsibility for the information provided. Only the person that posted the event and the administrator can edit, alter, or delete the event. If you post an event of a colleague or friend, please only do this with the agreement of the Organizer AND the Teacher.

  5. Handling data quality 
    • If foreign data is uploaded (spam), the administrator can delete the data. Also the users can inform the administrator via the "report misuse" button inside each post. The user can specify one of these cases: Not about Contact Improvisation, Contains wrong information, It is not translated in English, Other (specify in the message).
    • In case of conflict about possible misuse, the steering committee can get involved and coordinates the communication between involved parties and serves as "Referee".

Best use (practical use of the rules)

  1. As a user who seeks information about CI events
    As a user who wants to know about CI events, you visit the Global Calendar and define the search criteria that you are searching for. At any moment, you can change the search attributes and initiate a new search.
    The search attributes that can be changed are as follows:
    • What: Event types: Workshops, classes, festivals, regular jams, weekend jams, conferences, labs, or other kinds of CI events.
    • Where: continent, country, city, or name of venue (e.g. "Tanzfabrik Berlin").
    • When: all events between day A and day B or any date.
    • Who: searching for specific teachers
    The resulting list can be displayed in different views:
    You can mix between search criteria—What, Where, When—some go deeper or wider...try it out!

    Outdated events (past events) get deleted of the data pool, you cannot search for them anymore.

  2. As a user who wants to enter an event

    To enter an event, you need to create an account (one time) and become a registered user. Your account has to be approved by the administrator. It can take some days to get the confirmation. Next time, you only need to login and enter your new information.
    As this Calendar serves the Global CI Community, we propose that you FIRST list the description of the event in the language in which the event will be taught/conducted.  We encourage you to secondly translate the event description into English (within the same event description box).
    After successfully submitting all this data, it will take up to 5 minutes to be searchable by the users.