Help - How to insert contents

In this page you will find frequently asked questions (FAQ) about how to insert content into the CI Global Calendar. More questions can be added if you propose them to our administrator.

General informations

HOW to add contents to this website? - Create account

To insert informations in the CI Global Calendar you have to follow this simple steps. 

  1. Register to the website if you are not registered yet.
    Click on "Create Account" and insert the requested data.

  2. Login using the username and password you choose.

    Once authenticated, the manager menu appear on the top-right part of the page.

  1. Through this menu you can add and edit:
    • Events
    • Organizers
    • Teachers
    • Venues
    • Your user profile
  2. Follow the further steps, that are different depending if you are an organizer or a teacher.

WHO can insert contents in this website?

  • Organizers - To add their own Contact Improvisation events
  • Teachers - To add and keep updated their own biography and portrait photo. 

Which kind of event can I insert?

The aim of this website is to spread Contact Improvisation informations, if the topic of the event is not about Contact Improvisation it will be removed and your account will be disabled by the administrator.

In which LANGUAGE am I supposed to write the event text ?

We suggest to write the event text in English and in the language of the country where is organized the event.
To have a fast translation in English you can use Google Translator. It's not the best, but it's more or less understandable.

I don't find the information I need in this tutorial, what can I do?

In this case ask to the administrator of the website. You can contact the admin through this contact form

For the Organizers

How to add an EVENT ?

Once you are logged in you will find the Manager > New Event button in the upper menu bar.

Fill the mask with all the requested data and [Submit]

How to add a VENUE?

Once you are logged in you will find the Manager > My Venues button in the upper menu bar.

Manager > My Venues

How to add my name as ORGANIZER ?

Once you are logged in you will find the Manager -> My Organizers button in the upper menu bar.

Manager > My Organizers

Then, click on [Create New Organizer] green button
Fill the mask with all the requested data and [Save]

Why is the event I posted not yet visible?

When you insert an event, it take up to 15 minutes to be searchable by the users.

How can I insert a REPEATING event?

Please notice, if you are creating a repetitive event, the start date and the end date should be the one of the first repetition and be the same.

Eg. For a regular weekly jam that happens every Tuesday that go from now (2/4/2019) to (30/6/2019).
The start date and end date specified should be the one of the first repetition.

So if the first Tuesday is 2/4/2019
Start date: 2/4/2019
End date: 2/4/2019
Repeat until: 30/6/2019

repeat event


For the Teachers

How to add my BIO ?

The first step to add your BIO is to register to the website if you have not done it yet. 
You can find informations about that at the top of this page: General Informations > How can I add contents to this website

Then you login and go to the Manager > My Teachers page as shown below.

manager > my teachers

Here you can edit the BIO you have already added or you can add it if it is not present yet.

Then, click on [Create New Teacher] green button
Fill the mask with all the requested data and [Save]

Somebody else inserted my BIO and I cannot modify it, what to do?

In this case contact the administrator of the website, he will give you the ownership that allow you to modify your bio.
You can write to the admin through this contact form.

How to post an online event?

  • Use the page for event creation as usual.
  • When filling in the venue section, go to the alphabetical list under the letter "O" and click on the online option that reflects the language that will be used for your event. E.g. "Online English" to post an English online event.
  • In case the language you want to use for your online event is not available in the venue list, please write to the webmaster and we will get it added.