Get Involved

The CI Global Calendar Project has been initiated by a group of people deeply involved in the practice and sharing of Contact Improvisation. We are led by the desire to make CI information globally accessible. The Calendar is a service brought together BY the global CI community and FOR the global community. We invite you to join us and get involved.

Entirely volunteer-run, the CI Global Calendar aims to operate on a GIFT ECONOMY basis and to remain free for the users. Our volunteers donate their time to different tasks behind this calendar platform. In return, as a community, our intention is to reward them via a DONATION based system.

Support - Volunteer - Donate

If this calendar becomes useful to you, please contribute back as well. We are actively looking for people to support the project. Your help is very welcome and can take a variety of forms:

The biggest SUPPORT for us is using this page and recommending it to your students, colleagues, and partners.

If you can support us with your time, we currently need VOLUNTEERS as:

  • Developers: to develop and mantainin the website: computer people, web designers, programmers, graphic designers, we need you!
  • Fundraisers: to fundraise and invent ways to support the further development and maintenance of this project.
  • Translators: to proof-read content, helping to get it progressively translated into other languages and available to people in their own language when possible
  • Communicators: to write further content and updates as the website will evolve, helping with wider communication towards the global community.
  • Promoters: to advertise the project in whatever Contact Improvisation contexts you travel through. You are invited to print this card and spread the news.

If you want to discuss this in more details with us via email, we welcome you to get in touch with the Project Manager.

Already have an idea of something you want to volunteer? Please let us know more details and your contact information by filling in this form.

Those who help with the calendar will be able to apply for a donation gift out of the gift box. (workshop, festival, conference, other CI events, dance products or clothing, etc.)

For web developers

The source code of the Global Calendar is Open Source covered by MIT licence and is available online on GitHub.


CIGC Promotional card and poster

The design is two-sided fitting back to back and you can choose to print in different sizes as you can find in the alternative jpgs. Download the PDF.


Direct access to Country/Regional contents

If you are the developer of a regional/country website you can include a snippet that show just the events related to your area.
Here you can find more info about this topic.


If you want to DONATE a GIFT for the gift box (free or reduced admission to workshops, festivals, etc.) or a gift of MONEY, please go to "Donate" page.