Material for the Spine, work by Steve Paxton, taught by Nora Hajos

17 Jan 2025 -  23 Jan 2025
17 Jan 2025 @ 7.00 pm 23 Jan 2025 @ 5.00 pm
Studio MOVITY - , Uster, Switzerland - Show map
Material for the Spine, work by Steve Paxton, taught by Nora Hajos - Studio MOVITY - Uster, Switzerland

17. Jan - 23. Jan 2024


Deep learning Steve Paxton`s helix roll`s & other Material for the spine treasures.

Material for the Spine by Steve Paxton

Material for the Spine takes as given, that the palette of the mover exists as sensations in the body.
Helix and other spinal rolls are forms that you learn from within.

As Steve Paxton says : “ I belive after 50 years of work, that it is healthy for the consciousness  to spend time with the body.

„The key to the information is, experiencing shapes. The design of the body has to be shaped from within.

In this program, the overall goal is to begin with & stay with a sensorial focus. And with that, to learn and to improve the shape of our helix , crescent & other spinal rolls over time.

The aim is to bring inner sensations to conciousness as we practice. Yet each time there will be within the learning time, space for open play/dance improvisation. So as to digest the tasted / learned material .
MFS is a meditative, technical study of spinal and pelvic movement potentials. 
In earlier years at studio Movity, 2023 & 2022, we had the great fortune to have Steve Paxton visiting in, on line, and teaching us, as part of our 4 day course. We will occasionally watch & hear his teachings collected on the Material for the spine DVD.

We will focus in each segment on a specific topic of Material for the spine.
As well as, revisit, practice and deepen in the sensations of the leg led and arm led helix rolls.

In this special 7 day Intensive we will focus on:

  • Introduction to the material. 
  • Walk as foundation.
  • Spine and arms. Bending bone.
  • And the practice of helix rolls begins.
  • Weight of sensation .
  • Why standing ? The small dance.
  • The sensation of Ki.
  • The focus on undulations of the spine.
     It is sensorial information of the nature and the size of the spine.
  • Undulations of the spine brings focus on the extremities of the spine, because they initiate the movement.
  • For example, when the top of the head is leading, the wave of undulation moves downward in training the vertebrae in sequence.
  • Moving from the center of mass. 
  • Head up crescent rolls & Head & Feet up crescent rolls. 
  • Tension masks sensation and sensation is the goal.
  • We will observe during our rolls  where we might hold tension and finding ways to release it while rolling.


  • 17. Jan 2025    7:00pm - 9 pm
  • 18. Jan 2025   10:00am - 5 pm with lunch break
  • 19. Jan 2025   10:00am - 5 pm with lunch break
  • 20. Jan 2025   10:00am - 5 pm with lunch break
  • 21. Jan 2025   10:00am - 2 pm with lunch break
  • 22. Jan 2025   12:00am - 6 pm with lunch break
  • 23. Jan 2025   12:00am - 5 pm with lunch break
  • times may alter a little bit!

Cost: CHF720.00  (early bird CHF690.00 until 30. Nov. 2024)

         a non refundable deposit of CHF300.00 will be asked to save           your spot


Insurance is up to the participants


Region Zürich / Winterthur
