Transforming Body in Motion

2 Jul 2025 -  6 Jul 2025
2 Jul 2025 @ 10.00 am 6 Jul 2025 @ 1.00 pm
Alte Werkstatt - Lehnergasse, 17, St.Andrä-Wördern, Austria - Show map
Transforming Body in Motion - Alte Werkstatt - St.Andrä-Wördern, Austria

Holistic Dance is an invitation to transformation through dance, movement and touch. We work with a dynamic, cross-method approach from dance pedagogical, dance- and body therapeutic, systemic and holistic methods. Authentic Movement Plus, Contact Improvisation, Somatics & Applied Anatomy, Contemporary Dance Improvisation, Ecosomatics and many other elements can be found in this approach.


5 day Intensive in nature and in the studio
Each of us has a longing for wholeness and healing. We often instinctively sense that "there is more". In extraordinary moments in life we often experience something of this transcendence, but what if we could learn to integrate this wholeness into our everyday lives in a safe environment?

Due to its interweaving with the unconscious, shadows and stored memories, the body carries a tremendous wealth of sensations, perceptions and experiences. With movement, dance, meditation, mindful touch, encounters, play and painting/design we can approach these parts of ourselves. With care, compassion, dialog and experienced guidance from the outside, we can embark on a journey in harmony with ourselves.

We work with solo, partnering and group processes. We will relate the workshop to the context of our lives and share tools and practices to integrate the insights and discoveries of the workshop into our lives.

This workshop is open to anyone with basic experience of movement, dance and/or bodywork.

This module is also part of the Advanced Teachers Training (Healing module).

Price: € 540.- /TT's € 440.-
(Embodiment Training Module € 550.-)
Accomodation possible for 15.-/ night


(c) photo Olga Berdikyan

Alte Werkstatt

Lehnergasse, 17
Lower Austria
