Benjamin Müller

LIQUID COCOON Contact Improvisation and Bodywork between water and earth :

This workshop, which is meant for previous participants of my water workshops and for newcomers as well, focuses this time on side and embryo positions in (aquatic and land) bodywork and on the flow in the dance. We will travel between weight and weightlessness and explore fluid and smooth movement qualities in various elements. The bodywork, floating in water or releasing in embryo positions on land, helps us find relaxation and confidence in a soft and mobile support.

In the studio : Through bodywork and contact improvisation, we discover the sensation of a safe containment and use our bodies as relaxed structures. We access playful connections with our partners that gives vitality and pleasure.

In the pool : Immersed in water, the bodies can give themselves completely to weightlessness and thus glide into slow, listening dances. The orientation towards subtlety and mindfulness creates an organic and flowing language of movement. Our floating body remembers the three dimensional playground and the unconditional love of embryoworld. The water is an amazingly transformative element, that enables to go on an emotional/spiritual journey and a profound state of relaxation.

Manuela Blanchard WaterDance® teacher, Watsu® and Esalen Massage® Practicioner, Contact Improvisation and New Dance teacher, recently inspired by Tantsu® and the Birth Journey®. She has developped « Contact improvisation in water» as an integration of her different dance experiences and teaches now “Aquatic Bodywaves” as bodywork and dance training in water. More on this link