Steve Batts

Year of starting to practice
Year of starting to teach
Steve Batts

I have been practising Contact Improvisation since around 1983 and dancing as a central part of my life for a couple of years longer. I'm based in Derry in Northern Ireland. I spent three years in full time study to be a teacher of The Alexander Technique. After creating companies and projects in both England and Netherlands I set up Echo Echo Dance Theatre Company with Ursula Laeubli in 1991. We created performances and projects all over Europe. We moved the company to Derry in 1997. We create and tour performances, participatory projects, classes, artist residencies and festivals. I now continue to make and perform solo and group dances and to teach locally and internationally. I have regularly worked with children, older people and people with all sorts of disabilities as well as with professional dancers and performers."

Significant teachers
Steve Batts

This teacher will teach in this events

Steve Batts
Progetto Gaia Terra
Flambruzzo (UD), Italy