Beginn Deiner CI Praxis (Jahr)
Beginn als CI Lehrer*in (Jahr)

I came to this world in 1971 in a small town in the Rias Bajas, Galicia. I decided study journalism because I wanted to observe and understand the reality beyond my surroundings. But always I felt something was missing in my life until in 2000 I finally found a Jam of CI in Barcelona. Since them my priorities changed and in the last 5 five years I manage with my partner a place in the countryside in Asturias, focused in the practice and study of CI and Somatics.

Bedeutende CI Lehrer*innen
Martin Keogh and continue with others like Olaf Kehler, Ramon Roig Arnal, Maria Paz Brozas, Asaf Bachraf, Daniela Schwartz y Eckhard Müller, Andrew Harwood, Karl Frost, Clarice Monier, Urs Stauffer, Cristiane Boullosa y Marisa Brugarolas..