Zita Pavlištová

Czech Republic
Beginn Deiner CI Praxis (Jahr)
Beginn als CI Lehrer*in (Jahr)
Zita Pavlištová

She is one of the few teachers of contact improvisation in Czechia. She touches the borders and loves the extremes. She passes on the art, the basis of which is listening to the body. She examines the body in movement and its connection with the mind. She likes long, quiet and conscious observation of internal changes, as well as speed, loss of control and risk – situations where you have to put unconditional trust into your body..

She founded Druna – a place for contact improvisation, dance and movement, and has been teaching it for 12 years, inviting contact improvisation teachers from all around the world, organizing jams, and teaching contact improvisation, new dance and improvisation herself. A community of open, courageous people who explore and reach the world through the body naturally creates around her. Zita teaches not only in Prague, but also in Spain, Germany, Poland and the Philippines. Every year, she holds international summer workshops in Orlice Mountains.

Bedeutende CI Lehrer*innen
Daniel Lepkoff, Ivan Wolfe, Ray Chung

This teacher will teach in this events

Zita Pavlištová
Special Jam
Druna - Trojická 10
Prague, Czech Republic