
Beginn Deiner CI Praxis (Jahr)
Beginn als CI Lehrer*in (Jahr)

Yasukichi Suzuki is a CI dancer, contact improviser, jam maker, and human, based in Tokyo, Japan.

She started ballet at the age of 3, and learnt various dance forms while growing up, including house dance while in N.Y. Then worked as a professional dancer for about 10 years, until she had a child. Also collaborating in the creation contemporary dance works. She first met CI in an improvisational workshop at the Summer College of Dance, where she was blown away by the nature of the dance. She continued following her curiosity, and began to lead regular jams in 2000, and started teaching in 2002. She was a member of CIFJ (2008-2010) and helped with The Spiral (now CINN) Festival (2007). She made 未定の会MITEInoE (workshop group) from 2012-2020 with her friends, and continues to hold workshops and irregular outdoor and indoor jams, with live music. Also giving workshops for elderly people & children. 

Teachers she studied with include: Daniel Lepkoff, Ray Chung, Veno, Martin Keogh, Nina Martin, Joerg Hassmann, Karl Frost, Aaron Brando, Nancy Stark Smith, Steven Paxton and many others. She has taught in festivals in Malaysia, Thailand, Chengdu, Beijing and Shanghai. And joined jams in US. 

Her performance works include: "Water Sea Creatures Series" and "Carrying Water”, and many untitled improvisations with live musicians.  

"i like CI & CI in water very much & jam lovers."