Lucia Walker

South Africa
Beginn Deiner CI Praxis (Jahr)
Beginn als CI Lehrer*in (Jahr)
Lucia Walker

Lucia was introduced to Contact Improvisation in 1985, and has been learning, teaching and practising the form since then. Influential teachers are Steve Paxton, Nancy Stark Smith, Julyen Hamilton and Kirstie Simson. She worked for many years with Jointwork Dance Group exploring improvised performance and artistic collaborations which continue to be central to her work. In 1987 Lucia qualified as a teacher of Alexander Technique. She teaches individuals and groups with a wide range of interests and abilities. She has also been involved with the training of AT teachers for many years. Lucia has developed a particular way of working with ideas and principles from many years practice and teaching of Alexander Technique, movement and improvised performance or ‘Instant’ Composition and loves the opportunity to research this with others in her workshops.

She enjoys how the principles of CI and AT support and clarify each other to encourage depth and wholeness in our moving selves.

Bedeutende CI Lehrer*innen
Steve Paxton, Nancy Stark Smith, Julyen Hamilton and Kirstie Simson

This teacher will teach in this events

Lucia Walker
The City Academy: Hackney
London, United Kingdom