Resiliency And Resourcefulness In Contact Improvisation

10 abr. 2023 -  14 abr. 2023
10 abr. 2023 @ 9.15 am 14 abr. 2023 @ 4.30 pm
Finnish Hall - 1970 Chestnut St., Berkeley, United States - Show map
Resiliency And Resourcefulness In Contact Improvisation - Finnish Hall - Berkeley, United States

This workshop is intended for practitioners with a solid ongoing background in contact improvisation with at least one year of continuous study and or practice of the form.

DATES AND TIMES: Monday - Friday, April 10th - 14th: 9:15am - 4:30pm. Total 30 hrs (not incl. lunch break times).

RATES: 630/550/470 (details on the website: 

As we enter the next phase of this evolving dance form that has changed the face of contemporary dance, we will appreciate how essential touch and movement are to our sense of self and being in the world. CI offers us a playing field for the development of resiliency and creativity, bringing forth a physical/emotional truth about a shared moment of movement that leaves participants informed, centered and enlivened. Making contact with another being implies forging a universe where we may take risks, exchange, communicate and witness.

In this workshop, various themes will be investigated such as developing our:

*agility—the facility to efficiently adapt to physical challenges; how we can be agile in our intellectual and mental decision making
resourcefulness—the capacity to use our abilities and the resources around us to solve emergent problems as we develop our skills and abilities
*acumen – quickness, accuracy, keenness of judgement and the aptitude to perceive what is important
*acceptance – the courage to embrace all aspects of the dancing even when it seems awkward or clumsy; allowing ourselves to stumble out of the box of what is familiar and accepted, while staying safe and engaged.
*resilience—developing the quality of being conversant with and within the spectrum of possibilities as they present themselves in our improvisations with others

This training will emphasize the potential and necessity of improvising one’s responses to the moment in ways that are nourishing on both a physical and emotional level while opening our minds to the possibilities of reinventing our practice and tuning to the emergent tasks of dancing.

more info and registration links on the website. 

Finnish Hall

1970 Chestnut St.
United States