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Ken Manheimer - Contact Improvisación - Calendario Global

Ken Manheimer

United States
Año de comenzar a practicar
Año de comenzar a enseñar
Ken Manheimer
  • For me, improvised dance is an antidote to the static of daily life.
  • I'm a software developer for livelihood.
  • I've studied contact improv and ensemble improv with central CI teachers, as well as practicing with myriad dance partners at jams across many years.
  • I teach and facilitate contact and ensemble improv, including coordinating the weekly DC Sunday jam and helping to organize the yearly regional Spring East Coast CI jam.
  • I write about my fascination with spontaneous collaboration at

In addition to my personal website, I organize or help to organize and I develop and maintain,, and

Maestros significativos
Nancy Stark Smith, Andrew Harwood, Nancy Woodhull, Daniel Lepkof, Martin Keogh, Alicia Grayson