Reimar Wen Shen

Año de comenzar a practicar
Año de comenzar a enseñar
Reimar Wen Shen

Thailand-based contact improvisation facilitator. A dedicated Vipassana practitioner, he also founded With a background in martial arts, a Blackbelt in Taekwondo, it forms the ground for his movement practice. He also teaches OceanDance - a meeting of somatics, freediving and CI.

His approach to contact improvisation practice and facilitation continue to be informed by Silence. He is interested in CI as a practice of ACTION & EMPTINESS.

He is active in teaching CI in Thailand, Japan, Germany & Portugal.

Maestros significativos
Dolores Dewhurst Marks and Sasha Dodo, Kirstie Simson, Katia Basalaeva, Bari Kim, Sasha Brezrodnova, Geraldin Acevedo Espana, Francisco Borges.