CI Class at Hochschulsport UHH

2 févr. 2024
2 févr. 2024 @ 7.30 pm 9.30 pm
Hochschulsport Hamburg GYMHALLE - , Hamburg, Germany - Show map
L'évènement a lieu chaque Vendredi jusqu'au 31/03/2025
CI Class at Hochschulsport UHH - Hochschulsport Hamburg GYMHALLE - Hamburg, Germany

The class offers an introduction into the contemporary dance form Contact Improvisation (CI). We will focus on some fundamental principles and technical aspects. In CI exteroception and proprioception play a huge role in sensing your partner and yourself in space. We use experiential exercises and stimulate kinesthetic learning to develop our movement intelligence. Eventually, falling changes from being a danger to an infinite source of possibilities and the endless struggle between gravity and the biped becomes a dance. The class is inspired by diverse CI workshops, The Axis Syllabus, Release Technique, Material for the Spine, Judo, Feldenkrais and general awareness practices.

Hochschulsport Hamburg GYMHALLE

