Contact Improvisation & Tantra

5 avr. 2024 -  7 avr. 2024
5 avr. 2024 @ 7.00 pm 7 avr. 2024 @ 4.00 pm
Gîte Aiguebonne - , Lanuéjols, France - Show map
Contact Improvisation & Tantra - Gîte Aiguebonne - Lanuéjols, France


The emotional, spiritual, and sensual aspects of dance become as important as the physical aspect. In this way, we gain a new perspective on the familiar language of Contact Improvisation.
Extensive dance in the space and rather acrobatic elements of CI alternate with sensing the inner stream and energies in the body.
In meditation, we learn how to deal with inner energies and inwardness. We sense and activate the qualities of our chakras (centres of energy in the body) and our intuitive and spiritual abilities.
We create energy in the body by breathing, shaking and rocking, by vibration and through touch. We practice to direct sexual energy in the body and to let this energy nourish the dance. We become aware of the energetic influence on each other.
Our perception, all of our senses are based on touch, we experience ourselves in getting touched by the world. Only if you are ready for the unknown and if you really listen to your partner, you are able to become a superorganism with your (dance) partner.
Your self gets changed in each encounter, each dance. Each encounter in dance makes us/our identity anew.
The base of true meeting/encounter/dance together is to sense yourself, to sense your physical body and the subtle emotions and energies inside, to be aware of your personal boundaries, limits and taboos. In each moment you decide whether you respect them in a loving way or experiment with them or transcend them.
For fully opening up to a dance, a meeting, you have to be sure that your boundaries are respected by the other(s). The workshop situation itself provides a safe space, but it's very important to let your dance partner know what feels fine for you and what goes beyond your boundaries. If there is something in the touch or the dance which you don't want in that moment, let your dance partner know. The partner will appreciate your no as well as your yes, because the dances are based on consent. That's an important base for fully giving yourself to the encounters in the dance. It's a base for being open for surprises and amazement instead of having plans in the dance.
In CI you experience to trust yourself and others. You are carried by the floor, you are carried by others. You experience to trust your own body, especially when you fall.
The physical experience of being carried and held provides your ability of devotion. This experience reinforces your basic trust and might be deeply healing.
You experience yourself in your strength and energy and in being connected with the earth, the universe, the others.
You experience to fly, to be in the moment and to be curious. Tantra & Contact Improvisation is a physical, spiritual and psychic experience of being one with the universe.

What you learn/experience in this workshop:
ૐ Qualities of touch (rolling, sliding, leaning, energetic touch, grounding touch, liquid touch, touching the skin, touching muscles or bones…)
ૐ Drawing & sending as principle of being together with drawing and taking the weight of the other and then sending the weight the other to be drawn by the other yourself
ૐ Connection with each other through energetic centres (chakras) in the body
ૐ Tantric breathing & directing energy in the body through the breath
ૐ Connecting with a partner through energy and tantric circling of energy through the bodies
ૐ Becoming one with the whole group, being part of the group and sensing the group inside you
ૐ Tandava meditation - the mystic dance meditation or how the dance is formed by the breathing. You become one with the space.
ૐ Streaming – sensing the life force (being in the flow), in your body and in the group

Sabine Sonnenschein (AT):
is clinical sexologist. She is a student of Daniel Odier (Kashmir tantrism and Kashmir massage) since 2008. She lives and teaches a fusion of a tantric perspective on the world and dance as a practice of life.
She is freelance choreographer and performer since 1992. She gives workshops focusing on the fusion of Tantra and CI on many international CI as well as tantra festivals like: Tantra Festival Ibiza, Open Heart Festival (ZEGG, close to Berlin), Baltic Tantra Festival, Contact Festival Freiburg, ImpulsTanz Festival Vienna, Touch & Play.
She dances CI since about 1990. Impressive CI teachers for her were Nita Little, Andrew Harwood, Daniel Lepkoff, Mark Tompkins, Inge Kaindlstorfer.
Her artistic work - 39 performance pieces - has been shown in Europe and NYC.


Organisation & Conditions de participation

220€+10€ d’adhésion à l’association
Votre inscription est enregistrée après réception de l'acompte de 100€.

30750 Lanuéjols
25,70€/nuit en chambre partagée
15€/nuit en tente ou camion
Amenez vos ingrédients pour préparer vos repas. Nous partagerons une cuisine et une salle à manger.
Si le prix du stage représente un obstacle pour vous, contactez-nous pour en parler.

Malina et Céline,

PHOTO (c): Patrick Beelaert

Gîte Aiguebonne

