Warsaw CI Flow

6 juil. 2023 -  12 juil. 2023
6 juil. 2023 @ 5.00 pm 12 juil. 2023 @ 10.00 pm
MIK - , Warszawa, Poland - Show map
Warsaw CI Flow - MIK - Warszawa, Poland

During the 14th edition of the Warsaw CI Flow International Dance Festival, we would like to invite the participants to reflect on the physical and creative core of Contact Improvisation, a practice referred to initially as an ‘art-sport’, and on how the principles of CI shape our community today. Somewhere between openness to the unknown, delving into one’s somatic self, and accepting challenges, there lies a space where we appreciate our uniqueness and differences, where simply sharing the experience becomes deeply interesting and engaging. 

In this year’s programme, you will find somatic practices such as ‘Feldenkrais for Contact’ with Simonetta Alessandri to dive deeper into the somatic layer, ‘Joyful Techniques’ with Sebastian Flegiel to grow more confident in the physical aspects of contact, and performative practices with Jess Curtis to awaken creativity and refine our performance skills.

These morning intensives will be accompanied by a series of afternoon workshops, labs, single lessons, site-specific work, a long underscore practice and evening jams with live music. Most importantly, however, the festival is not just about classes; it is also a time for community, a time in ‘in-between’, which we hope you will fill with your fullest selves. The space will be waiting for you.


