CI-Inspired Weekly Score & Jam: Beyond Saudade

Regular Jam
29 lip 2023
29 lip 2023 @ 9.45 am 11.00 am
Online English - , Online, Online English - Show map
Zdarzenie zdarza się co Sobota do 12/07/2025
CI-Inspired Weekly Score & Jam: Beyond Saudade - Online English - Online, Online English


9:45am-11:00am Pacific Time (USA) every Saturday.


*ZOOM LINK is posted on website, in our Facebook Group and Weekly Event 15 minutes before each session.
*The "Score of the Week" is posted at 5:00pm Pacific time the day before each session (voting goes on all week):
Score is here:

*Please see "Expectations" and all other info here before arriving.
*No arrivals after 10:00am Pacific Time (USA)
*Optional group discussion for 30 minutes after each session.
*Closed captioning available by request.

Contact Improvisation-inspired online dancing can create moments of great creativity, discovery, playfulness, learning, physicality, and connection. And it can teach us things we can use to deepen our practice of CI when we return to in-person dancing.

When I first started trying to “do CI” online, I often felt sad or frustrated. I felt “saudade,” “…the recollection of feelings, experiences, places, or events that once brought excitement, pleasure, and well-being, which now trigger the senses and make one experience the pain of separation from those joyous sensations” (Wikipedia - one of many possible definitions).

But now I love my CI-inspired online dancing. Why?

Beginning in April, 2020 I organized a series of 5 online lab sessions for CI teachers, facilitators, and hosts. We used scores (A.K.A. exercises, experiments, provocations, instigations, structures, procedures) and discussion to help us discover the opportunities in CI-inspired online dancing, and to overcome some of the obstacles.

Each session follows this format (time zone Pacific time (USA)):

•9:45am-10:00am: Arrival, orientation, Q&A about the "Score of the Week" (see below), tech check, personal warmup.
•10:00am: Session is closed. NOTE: No late arrivals.
•10:00am-10:05am: Welcome from host, intros
•10:05am-11:00am: Dancing in at least two "rooms." 1) the Score Room, for focused exploration of the "Score of the Week," 2) the Jam Room, for dancing without the Score. You can come and go between rooms as you wish. (See “Breakout Rooms” under the “USING ZOOM” heading below.)
•11:00am: "Goodbyes" from those who are leaving.
•11:00am-11:30am: Optional discussion time about the session for those who want to stay.

•11:30am-12:00: General discussion time for those who want to stay

There are many barriers to participation in the sessions, and those barriers are most likely especially high for those people who face inequity in participation not only in CI but in the world at large. I welcome any reflections about the equity of the sessions, and any ideas for increasing the equity of the sessions. Closed captioning is provided on request for welcome, intros, and the after-dance discussion. Chat to the host is also open throughout. The sessions are offered at no cost and without a request for donations. I also welcome offers to co-lead, or to take over leadership, from those identifying as belonging to a group underrepresented in CI. Please consider equity and access in designing and facilitating proposed scores.


Arrive before session closing time (see above).


1) Read the community agreements below

2) Ensure that you are familiar with using the 5 features of Zoom listed below, on your device. All devices are welcome. Detachable or wireless webcams, and smaller devices like phones, tablets, or laptops offer the possibility of changing camera orientation. Joining by desktop computer is fine too.
Come early during “tech check” time and ask if you need help to learn these Zoom features:
•    Stop video/Start video
•    Hide non-video participants
•    Gallery view/Speaker view
•    Mute/Unmute
•    Pin video/Unpin video

3) Read the "Score of the Week" before arriving. It is posted at 5:00pm Pacific time the day before each session (voting goes on all week):
Score is here:
You can ask questions about the score during arrival and orientation time.

By participating in CI-Inspired Weekly Score & Jam: Beyond Saudade
(“Score & Jam”), you agree to the following.

These agreements are part of an effort to create a safer space where community awareness and care are foremost.
* I agree to treat others with awareness and care to the best of my ability, including not taking capturing photos or video, and not engaging in unsafe, unhealthy, or harassing behaviors towards others.
* I understand that my image and surroundings may be viewable by others in the Zoom meeting, and that sounds in my space may be heard, unless I stop my video and/or mute my audio.
* I agree to take care of myself to the best of my ability, and I acknowledge that I [and any children I am responsible for] participate at my own [our own] risk, and I agree to the liability waiver below.
* Please promptly notify the Score & Jam host about any unhealthy, unsafe, or harassing action by a participant. The host will engage in discussion with the participant and take any action deemed appropriate, including temporary or permanent suspension from participation.
* I agree to ask the host for clarification of any of these agreements if they are unclear to me.

Liability Waiver:
By participating in Score & Jam I release and hold harmless Zach Pine, and their legal representatives and assigns, from any and all actions, causes of action, claims or any liabilities whatsoever, known or unknown now existing or which may arise in the future, on account of or in any way related to or arising out of my participation. This waiver also applies to any children accompanying me.


Go to the link (no login required):
Score is here:

Enter your name and click “Join.” Use up to three votes, using "dots" to vote for the one or ones you like the most. You can change your votes at any time. Votes are tallied at 5:00pm Pacific time the day before each session, and votes are then cleared.

Use "Add a Card" if you want to suggest a score. Please consider equity and access in designing and facilitating proposed scores. Scores should be suitable for a “roomful” of dancers (rather than for designated groupings such as duets, trios, etc.)

If you propose a score and it is chosen, you are expected to arrive promptly at the start of the session to answer any questions about the score.

Score submissions are moderated by the organizer(s).

You are invited to leave your microphone UNMUTED, unless there is excessive sound in your space, for privacy reasons, or unless muting is part of the score. Sharing the sound of our dancing helps us to share ourselves and our spaces. Please don’t engage in verbal conversation. You can turn down or turn off your own speakers if you prefer to hear no sound. There is no music (except the music of our dance sounds!)

Witnessing is an integral part of many CI classes, workshops, and jams. You are invited to witness during Score & Jam, with an awareness of the impact that your witnessing has on others. For example, placing your face close to your camera can be disconcerting for others. It is also possible to witness with your own video stopped.

In the Jam Room, we ask that you turn off your video camera whenever you are out of view of your camera, or if you are in view of the camera and are neither engaged in dancing nor witnessing, by using “Stop video”. That makes you, temporarily, a "Non-video participant." Then, when others take advantage of the “Hide non-video participants” Zoom feature, they are treated to a screen full of actively engaged people, without empty rooms, still profile photos, or video of people not engaged in the dance.

Online English


Online English

This location is provided to host online events in English language.
If you are an organizer select this location if your event is online and in English.