Anne-Gaelle Thiriot

United Kingdom
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Anne-Gaelle Thiriot

I am a contacter and an independent dance artist based between South East London and France. I started practicing CI in 2001, with Yves Candau, Didier Silhol, Soraya Djebbar and Brenton Cheng as first teachers. I got more and more involved through studying with Kirstie Simson, Mark Tompkins, Lisa Nelson and Simone Forti, and from then on with as many teachers and fellow dancers as possible. In 2012, I met Nancy Stark Smith and Mike Vargas, whose approach and improvising frameworks Underscore and 86 Aspects of Composition have been a strong line of enquiry for me ever since.

I started teaching in 2011, through setting up Contact Improvisation at Goldsmiths (SE London, UK), which has been running since then.

I also teach at universities, in very varied community contexts, in dance festivals or for dance companies, and have had a long-standing relationship with Candoco Dance Company. As a performer, I look at 

I love the puzzles, the mutuality, the high physicality, and the kindness of the form.

Znaczący nauczyciele
Soraya Djebbar Didier Silhol Kirstie Simson Charlie Morrissey Nancy Stark Smith Rick Nodine

This teacher will teach in this events

Anne-Gaelle Thiriot, Asaf Bachrach, Laura Doehler, Liselotte SINGER
Le Breuilh
Saint Pierre de Frugie, France