The All night long Impro Jam is back!
Do you know the feeling, that by the time you really feel like dancing, the Jam is over? Then this is for you!
Gathering from 8.30pm, we start from
We reccomend you joining for the whole process, so that we can be in the journey together.
Come and enjoy the various states You can experience by an all night dancing.
You can dance in silence, while dreaming... and then awake like a phoneix!
Our plan is the following, but please note that we like to follow the needs and impulses of the group, so it might change:
- Tune in Jam
- Blind Impro Jam
- Jam in Costumes (bring some funny clothes)
- Phoneix Jam
Morning meditation - levitation -imitation.
Please bring what You like to eat and and we also offer You a breakfast.
Creativity, polifoam, sleaping bag and your Body is needed.
Location: Budapest, Nagytétényi út 48-50, 1222
Early bird till 5 February 7000 Ft
Full price: 9000 Ft
If You'll come, please send an email to farkasdorka76@gmail