Touch&Play Massachusetts

8 jul 2025 -  13 jul 2025
8 jul 2025 @ 3.00 pm 13 jul 2025 @ 3.00 pm
Earthdance - 52 Prospect Street, Plainfield, United States - Show map
Touch&Play Massachusetts - Earthdance - Plainfield, United States

Touch&Play embodies an international movement, a spirited and adventurous family rooted in various local communities across the globe.


52 Prospect Street
United States

Vision A vibrant, curious, and equitable society grounded in social justice, healthy community living, embodied movement, and ecological stewardship.

Mission Earthdance strengthens connections between people, communities, and the earth by creating a center for experiential learning, creative exchange, and Contact Improvisation.

Values Statement We value dance and somatic inquiry, collaborative community engagement, interdisciplinary exploration, artistic expression, a deep connection to the natural environment, and participation across social differences including race, sexual identity, gender, age, class, and ability.

Core Values Dance. We value innovative and experimental movement practice, which is essential for the growth of the field of dance, and our understanding of the living body. We recognize that dance can equally be an art form, an integrative process, and a social forum.

Improvisation. We value improvisation as an experiential practice, both in the studio and in daily life. Improvisation cultivates skills such as ensemble thinking, play, composition techniques, and presence. One can benefit from improvisational practices as a beginner, as well as through development over a lifetime of craft.

Contact Improvisation (CI). CI is a core dance practice at Earthdance, and integral to how we live and work together. Through Contact Improvisation, we investigate our moving body, support one another, explore momentum, and experiment collectively. By hosting CI events, Earthdance is mutually affecting a regional, national, and international CI scene.

Intelligence of the Body. We think with more than our minds! Connectivity to physicality is useful not only for one's growth, but also for making dances, constructing buildings, having empathy, and inspiring new thinking in most realms of human activity.

Artist-Run. A core of residential staff integrates artistic practice with everyday work commitments. The staff and artists who collectively organize Earthdance activities uphold our values and are an integral part of furthering our mission and vision.

Cultural Exchange. Making art is a form of making culture. Earthdance offers opportunities for intercultural, inter-regional, interdisciplinary, and international exchange. Through providing diverse programming, Earthdance cultivates vehicles for creative process that supports an inclusive and pluralistic society.

Community. We value collective work, consensus-based decision making, and the cultivation of community through work and play. We believe that as we negotiate and collaborate, the practices we develop model and serve our society's development.

Local Community. We value the concept of ‘think globally, act locally.' We foster a variety of programming focused on developing dialogues amongst our local communities, both on our land and at regional community centers.

Ecology. Ecology implies the relationship between our physical actions, our environment, and the social landscape. Earthdance is dedicated to researching and enacting sustainable and durable building practices. We value sustainability in our facilities, our programming, and our daily activities, and through this, the stewardship of our land.

Access. We provide options for accessibility and affordability in our programming.

Social Justice. We value non-violence and social justice in our community building practices. We believe society can be strengthened through dance and community praxis. We reflect these ideals in our organization, programs, and participatory methodology.