Christos Litsios

Ano que começou a praticar
Ano que começou a ensinar
Christos Litsios

Christos is an academic researcher on behavioral science, mediator and Contact Improviser. CI combines his intellectual interests in negotiation, leadership and embodiment with his passion for movement. Originally coming from highly competitive sports like Martial Arts and Basketball, he enjoys the dance for its cooperative nature and potential for almost indefinite freedom and creativity in movement and expression. Driven by a keen interest always discovering new things, Christos is familiar with the beginner's mindset and values to pick people up where they are.


CI Class at Hochschulsport - Friday evening

Telegram Channel - CI Hamburg


Professor@s relevant@s
Andrew Wass, Kira Kirsch, Yaniv Mintzer

This teacher will teach in this events

Christos Litsios
Hochschulsport Hamburg GYMHALLE
Hamburg, Germany