Andrew Wass

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Ano que começou a ensinar
Andrew Wass

By experimenting with aleatoric, improvisational, and indeterminate processes, Andrew Wass finds that movement reveals an inherent awkwardness, a humor that echoes our own vulnerabilities. He formalizes the coincidental and emphasizes the conscious processes of composition that are the generative source of much of his works. Influenced heavily by his undergraduate studies of Biochemistry at U.C. San Diego, Andrew works by creating a defined, almost crystalline palette in order to generate a myriad of possibilities. The possibilities are reduced and concentrated in the moments of execution and reception. A member of the performance groups Non Fiction and Lower Left, he is a graduate of the MA program of Solo/Dance/Authorship at the Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum für Tanz in Berlin.

Professor@s relevant@s
Nina Martin, Ray Chung, Chris Aiken, Andrew Harwood, Jess Curtis, Martin Keogh, Karl Frost, Scott Wells

This teacher will teach in this events

Andrew Wass, Nina Martin
Lake Studios Berlin
Berlin, Germany