Viola Ongaro

Ano que começou a praticar
Ano que começou a ensinar
Viola Ongaro

I have a professional training and career as contemporary dancer and choreographer ( I graduated at scuola d'arte drammatica Paolo Grassi in Milan on 2003 and worked as dancer especially with TPO Company based in Prato and as creator of my own works). I'm also a Feldenkrais practitioner since 2013. Contact improvisation is for me the connection point between dance and somatic practice. Actually I research in movement and improvisation field, collaborate with theatre schools and teach dance , Feldenkrais and Pilates methods to people with different age and background

Professor@s relevant@s
in contact improvisation: Urs Stauffer, Linda Bufali, Ray Chung, Nita Little, Joerg Hassmann,Claire Filmon, Leilani Weis, Itay Yatuv. in contemporary dance: Julyn Hamilton,Katie Duck, David Zambrano, Alessandro Certini, Charlotte Zerbey, Ariella Vidach, Rosita Mariani, Giovanni di Cicco and many others