Veronica E. Rodriguez Ojeda

Puerto Rico
Ano que começou a praticar
Ano que começou a ensinar
Veronica E. Rodriguez Ojeda

Has been practicing Contact Improvisation since 1999 and has studied with leading CI teachers, including K.J. Holmes, Tim O'Donnell, and Ray Chung. A founding member of Danza Contacto Puerto Rico (DCPR), Veronica has taught CI for over ten years in places such as Washington, New York, Costa Rica, and Puerto Rico. She is currently living in New York City, where in 2018, she co-taught a weekly Pre-Jam class at 100 Grand Dance on Tuesday evenings with Michelle Arieh. She often travels to Puerto Rico to teach and coordinate jams, workshops, and other events with DCPR.

Professor@s relevant@s
"I am very grateful to have learned from many teachers of various dance disciplines throughout my life. Most influential during my formative years were: K.J. Holmes, David Dorfman, Doug Elkins, Vicky Shick, Viveca Vázquez, and Myrna Renaud. In more recent years: Meredith Monk, Tim O'Donnell, Daniel Lepkoff, Ray Chung, and Lisa Nelson, not to mention the many people in countless jams with whom I have been able to dance and grow in my practice."