Paulina Cebula

Ano que começou a praticar
Ano que começou a ensinar
Paulina Cebula

I have been in love with dance since I remember and I have practised CI as well es contemporary dance since 2012. In 2019 I did an education in Physical Theatre and Performance which changed the way I am moving a lot. Marina Abramovic claims “the artist is present ''. I do believe that being present is one of the most crucial skills while improvising (no matter if Performance, CI or other dance) as well as imagination.

Through my presence I am connected to myself (my ideas, emotions, desires, needs), to my dance partners, the space and something “bigger”. Even if I am dancing in a duo, I am reaching out to the space and it feels like I am dancing with everything and everybody. This is also the base for how I interpret lifts: less like getting lifted by someone, rather as a feeling of flying through space, seeing my partner/s as connecting tissue/s to the ground and as a support for a safe landing.

Actively searching for the unknown – is the way I move through space while dancing CI. I am longing for these gaps in the dance - sometimes just lasting for some milliseconds - in which I just don’t know where, when and how the movement will continue. It does require a lot from me to feel confident in that state and not to rush over it. In return I get pleasure, laughs and an abstract and deep feeling of being me.


Other artistic fields: Performance, Tango Argentino, Contemporary Dance, Fooling, Physical Theatre, Improvisation

Orga: WUK Jam host since 2015, organisation of bigger CI/dance/perfomance events, in:motion festival - physical theatre, performance improvisation, Verein ttp - tanz, theater, performance, collectiv foolektiv

Teaching: CI, Performance, Fooling, Physical Theater,

Professor@s relevant@s
Anya Cloud, Charlie Morrissey, Dorte Bjerre Jensen, Iwona Olszowska, Jörg Hassmann, Malcom Manning, Manu Eder, Me :), Nina Little, Scott Wells, Sergey Semichev