Karthik Rajmohan

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Ano que começou a ensinar
Karthik Rajmohan

dancer, teacher and performing artist. He has a Diploma in Contemporary dance from Attakkalari Centre for Movement Arts and he is the first generation of CI practitioners and teachers from India. He studied CI with Erica Kaufmann, Scott Wells, Nita little and many more. In the past 12 years he has performed and taught CI in various parts of India, Denmark,Sweden, Norway, Netherlands and Switzerland. He currently lives in Berlin where he teaches and hosts weekly classes and jams. Apart from being involved with dance communities in major cities, he has taken CI to children’s homes, Juvenile detention centres and rural communities. He sees CI as a way to understand laws of physics, human nature and the dynamics of relationship with each other.

Professor@s relevant@s
Erica Kaufmann, Scott Wells, Nita little