Jesús Alonso

Ano que começou a praticar
Ano que começou a ensinar
Jesús Alonso

CI Movement researcher and dancer. My work focuses on dance understood as an exploration of bodily sensations and the poetics of movement. I have participated as a teacher in Flow Festival in Warsaw and Mediterranea Contact Festival, and teaches regular CI classes in Madrid. Trained with teachers such as Cristiane Bullousa, Diana Bonilla, Linda Bufali, Charlie Morissey, Katja Mustonen, Mirva Mäkinen and in contemporary dance and movement research with Poliana Lima and Lucas Condró. Feldenkrais Method with Simonetta Alessandri and Julen Arévalo.

Professor@s relevant@s
Cristiane Bullousa, Diana Bonilla, Linda Bufali, Charlie Morissey, Katja Mustonen, Mirva Mäkinen