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Lui (Claudia) Springer - Контактная импровизация - Мировой календарь

Lui (Claudia) Springer

Lui (Claudia) Springer

Lui is a curious movement researcher and enthusiastic about creating spaces where people can learn through the Feldenkrais Method, Contact Improvisation, Authentic Movement, Playfight, dance and movement improvisation. She loves learning and is in training programms for Child'Space (Feldenrkais for Babys) as well as Somatic Experiencing. Furthermore, she is the organizer of the Wiener Winterjam and the CI training "Deepening your Praxis".

As a former competition rower Lui engaged with optimizing movements from her teens on. She is passionate about the question: How does movement get even more comfortabel and smooth? She is faszinated by the variety of movement options and the possibilities to learn through movement and dance and how that inspires our lives.

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Angelika Doniy, Sabine Parzer, Alicia Graycon, Martin Keogh, Anya Cloud, Melcom Manning, Andrew Haarwood, Johann Nilsson, Yaniv Mintzer, Benno Voorham, Kira Kirsch, Mirva Mäkinen, Dorte Bjerre Jensen, Katja Mustonen, Ralf Jaroschinski .....