Nina Piulats

Beginn Deiner CI Praxis (Jahr)
Beginn als CI Lehrer*in (Jahr)
Nina Piulats

Catalan German, dedicated to dance, somatic work and yoga in the context of teaching, performance and philosophical-artistic investigation. I study pedagogy, idioms and dance between Spain and Germany. The contact with the Moving on Center/ EE.UU school changes my way of understanding the body, movement and expression, which is why I began training in Somatic Education of Participatory Arts and later in Body-Mind Centering®️. My investigation focuses on the individual and shared experience of the body/Embodiment process, with the radical naturalness of one's own body as a guide. I facilitate and collaborate on courses and projects in Contemporary Dance, Somatic Movement, BMC®️, Contact Improvisation, Hatha Vinyasa Yoga, Somatic Yoga in artistic, civic, pedagogical and therapeutic centers in Cataluña, the Peninsula and the rest of Europe.

Bedeutende CI Lehrer*innen
Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen