Nina Piulats

Year of starting to practice
Year of starting to teach
Nina Piulats

Catalan German, dedicated to dance, somatic work and yoga in the context of teaching, performance and philosophical-artistic investigation. I study pedagogy, idioms and dance between Spain and Germany. The contact with the Moving on Center/ EE.UU school changes my way of understanding the body, movement and expression, which is why I began training in Somatic Education of Participatory Arts and later in Body-Mind Centering®️. My investigation focuses on the individual and shared experience of the body/Embodiment process, with the radical naturalness of one's own body as a guide. I facilitate and collaborate on courses and projects in Contemporary Dance, Somatic Movement, BMC®️, Contact Improvisation, Hatha Vinyasa Yoga, Somatic Yoga in artistic, civic, pedagogical and therapeutic centers in Cataluña, the Peninsula and the rest of Europe.

Significant teachers
Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen