Dorte Bjerre Jensen

Año de comenzar a practicar
Año de comenzar a enseñar
Dorte Bjerre Jensen

Dorte Bjerre Jensen is a dancer/performer, researcher, teacher and organizer, and she is deeply interested in bodily movement and expression as an art form both in practice and in theory. As an artist she creates, direct and perform. Dorte holds a 2-year postgraduate education for professional dancers: Dance partnership; research, performance/dance and facilitation, at the Danish National School of Performing Arts. Her final research project was in the frame of process philosophy and contact improvisation. Furthermore Dorte is an educated school teacher, yoga teacher, Rosen Method therapist, Conscious Touch therapist. She teaches contact improvisation nationally and internationally, in dance and acting schools, at festivals and in open workshops. She offers her work to professional dancers, actors, people in leadership roles, and to the general public. Dorte is the author of two chapters: Contact improvisation and Dance & fight, in "The Anthology of Dance" (being released this autumn). Dorte has also journeyed through life as a soccer player, material artist (Taekwondo) and as a circus artist.