Kontaktland 2021 - Hungarian Contact Improvisation festival

6 lug 2021 -  16 lug 2021
6 lug 2021 @ 12.00 am 16 lug 2021 @ 12.00 am
Három Kincs Völgye - Alsó-Bükkvölgy major, 1, Batonyterenye, Hungary - Show map
Kontaktland 2021 - Hungarian Contact Improvisation festival - Három Kincs Völgye - Batonyterenye, Hungary

We will celebrate Contact Improvisation and deepen together into our practise during 6 days surrounded by nature. This is an opportunity to gather the hungarian community and to welcome international dancers.

The festival is settling year by year and we are so thankful to create such a safe, intimate and friendly space all together, this is not just a dream, this is reality!

This year we decide to follow again our three words concept:
“community, research and nature”.

Each year one word is predominant, we started with Nature, then Research and now comes Community!

Regarding the context of Contact Improvisation, what community means for us?
Does it make sense to talk about Community regarding Contact Improvisation?
What are the values we share?
Shall we consider we have responsibilities to take together?
Why practicing Contact Improvisation grounds us and how does this nourish our local community?
How do we take care of each other?
Those questions are guiding us and will be present during the festival.
We will have discussions and sharings about this topic.

Három Kincs Völgye

Alsó-Bükkvölgy major, 1
