Water Contact Workshop

5 giu 2019
5 giu 2019 @ 6.00 pm 10.00 pm
Terme Snovik - Snovik, 7, Laze v Tuhinju, Slovenia - Show map
Water Contact Workshop - Terme Snovik - Laze v Tuhinju, Slovenia

We are happy to announce another Water Contact Improvisation workshop.
If you are curious to explore how dancing can be in a water environment this workshop is for you.


Finding relaxation and ease, allowing ourself to fall and to be supported by a warm fluid element, we will dance in a time-space where the word trust get a new meaning.

Connecting to our breath, calming our mind and surrendering our muscle tone to the warm water, we will approach this new dimension exploring our movement from a new prospective.

Giving and receiving somatic bodyworks and playing with our dance partners we will allow our body get in use to this new environment where a new range of possibilities open up and where we can experience the absence of gravity and play as if we would be the space.

Trough many kind of exercise we will work on:
- Get more and more confidence with the water
- Explore playfulness in the water like dolphins
- Find ease and relax to allow our breath can last more.

This classes are for you if:
- You already are able to swim, and you want to explore new ways to approach the water that are different than usual way or swimming techniques.
- Explore freedom and playfulness.
- Work on your body awareness and letting go stress in a playful way
- Improve your skills and get more confidence in and with the water.
- Work on your self trust

In the last part of the workshop we will have a water contact improvisation jam.

Here you can find an example of how a water contact improvisation dance looks like:

Wednesday 5 June from 18.00 to 22.00


Terme Snovik


To attend the workshop bring your own googles and nose plug. (You can find cheap one in Decathlon.)


Early Bird (register before 1st of June): 28 € + 13€ pool entries.
Regular price (after 1st of June): 35 € + 13€ pool entries.

Registration valid with prepayment of the whole amount of the workshop. (this amount will be kept in case of cancellation)

To subscribe you can fill this form:

For any other info:
davide.casiraghi@gmail.com --- +393336738420

More info on:

Terme Snovik

Snovik, 7
Laze v Tuhinju