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Rosa Lina Lima - Contact Improvisation - Calendario Globale

Rosa Lina Lima

Puerto Rico
Anno d'inizio della pratica
Anno d'inizio dell'insegnamento
Rosa Lina Lima

Rosa Lina Lima is a Puerto Rican Contemporary dancer, Bomba "bailadora" Dance and French teacher, among other things. She has performed dance and physical theater professionally since 1995 in Puerto Rico and abroad. In the 90s, she was introduced to CI by Gloria Llompart (the artist who brought the CI practice to Puerto Rico). She has also participated in international festivals with different groups and projects. In 2005, she obtained an MFA in Dance from Arizona State University (ASU), where she took Ideokinesis and the Feldenkrais Method as part of the program. Back in Puerto Rico, she participated in an intensive workshop created by Myrna Renaud titled "La voz que sana" ©mrm1997"2019 "The healing voice), a structure that includes sound and movement improvisations, and "soneo," a traditional art form of vocalization from the Caribbean cultures. She is a former coordinator of Danza Contacto Puerto Rico (DCPR) and a collaborator since its inception and its efforts to disseminate the practice of CI. With DCPR, she has represented the CI community from the Island in festivals abroad and developed explorations on the complementary aspects of CI and Salsa dancing. As part of her ongoing development as a movement artist, she studied with Nancy Stark Smith at the January Workshop 2020 and, most recently, with David Zambrano (atlasmexicofestival 2021).

Insegnanti significativi
Viveca Vázquez, Gloria Llompart, Petra Bravo, Myrna Renaud, Nancy Stark Smith and David Zambrano.