Contact - Improvisation - Composition

21 lip 2021 -  25 lip 2021
21 lip 2021 @ 11.00 am 25 lip 2021 @ 4.00 pm
TIP school for Dance, Improvisation and Performance - Lörracher Str 45, Freiburg, Germany - Show map
Contact - Improvisation - Composition - TIP school for Dance, Improvisation and Performance - Freiburg, Germany

Dance workshop

(Contact) Improvisation & Composition

facilitated by Daniela Schwartz - Eckhard Müller
21 - 25 / 07. 21 in Freiburg, Germany

In CI the body follows the reflexive movements in its effort to keep a physical dialogue with other bodies mainly by focusing in the mosaic of sensations. If we add to the field of our attention Time & Space and play compositionally: How the relationship to our own dance, the group and the environment will be affected, informed and transformed?
We will explore and expand the sense of being and creating together through Touch (direct and/or extended), Space and Time. We will develop awareness of the choices we make as we Dance.

Touch will enter when the current sanitary measures in the region allow it and (if) participants are ready for it.

This Workshop requires some experience in CI and Improvisation combined with the desire to enter into compositional work. Please send us a short bio.

Cost: till 30 of June 250€, later 280€

Registration & info:
We can help you find accommodation.


Daniela Schwartz (ARG/FR) - Echkard Müller (GER/FR) travel the world to share their vision, practice and performance of Contact Improvisation and Improvisation, moving together across Europe and the Americas to offer CI Intensive Workshops and developing projects based on Improvisation and transdisciplinary practices. Through collaboration, their interests continuously influence each other, creating diverse and surprising pathways. They share the passion and curiosity of moving into the unknown, the spontaneity of real time and the investigation of the body’s wisdom. Dani’s interest is in details and the capacity of attention and imagination. This, together with Ecki’s fascination with physicality and its limits, plunge them together into the research of perceptual and sensorial exploration, rediscovering possible dialogues through the dance. They are both part of the contactfestival freiburg organization team in Germany and members of Co. Dégadézo, France. More info


TIP school for Dance, Improvisation and Performance

Lörracher Str 45