Maaike van de Westeringh

Ano que começou a praticar
Ano que começou a ensinar

Maaike studied dance at the dance academy in Tilburg (NL), with David Zambrano, Julien Hamilton and among others. She worked as a dancer with choreographers as Loic Perela, Anne-beth Schuurmans, Marie Goeminne, T.R.A.S.H. and Karen Boesser (DE). She finds a constant eagerness to learn more about the body’s expression and how dance can contribute to people’s mental and physical health. For several years she has been creating dance-performances for a very young audience (1+) in collaboration with musicians. With Reineke Jonker she runs the Theaterhuiskamer where stories of different communities are transformed into theatre. Last year she created 'Little Movement', her first first dance-movie as a choreographer in collaboration with Sergio Gridelli. See also

Professor@s relevant@s
Julyen Hamilton, David Zambrano