Alexandra Bezrodnova

Beginn Deiner CI Praxis (Jahr)
Beginn als CI Lehrer*in (Jahr)
Alexandra Bezrodnova

By education, I am a social psychologist. In last years CI has become my main interest and direction in life, which I am very happy about. I practice CI and Authentic Movement since 2002, teaching regular classes in improvisation and performance group in Praktika theatre in Moscow, as well as jams, labs, workshops for beginners and advances in different cities and countries. I participated in performance projects with Steve Batts, Karl Frost, Konstantinos Mokhos, Andrey Andrianov.  I am happy to be a part of the Moscow Festival team.

Themes and focuses interesting to me now are:

• Anatomical and structural fundamentals of movement
• Evolutional patterns and animal movement in CI
• CI for parents and kids, CI for kids with special development
• CI on the lawn, on the sand, in the water, on the stones…..


Bedeutende CI Lehrer*innen
Angela Dony, Steve Batts, Natanja Den Boeft, K J Holmes, Danny Lepkoff, Nita Little and Arye Burstein.